Mom had a zest for life. She loved any excuse to celebrate, and she especially loved the holidays. She would decorate to the hilt, feed us until we were about to burst, and always had gifts for the grandkids. Oh how she loved her grandkids! Mom was especially thoughtful for those who were less fortunate, always giving, whether it was cash, or gifts, a listening ear, or a cheerful conversation.

Today my nephew would have been 24. John enjoyed life, and I never, ever saw him without a huge smile on his face. John also cared for those who were less fortunate by helping at camps for the disabled, or helping a friend through a difficult time. To celebrate John’s birthday, the family asked that we all ‘pay it forward’ and do something nice for someone else. It didn’t have to be anything big, or cost a lot of money, just something thoughtful and with John in mind.

I thought about all the things one could do for others, things that really didn’t require much effort, but would put a smile on someone’s face. Things like visiting someone in the nursing home, taking food to a neighbor that has no family, raking leaves for an elderly couple or a single mother, or just saying hello to someone you meet on the street. It doesn’t take much to make a difference to someone, even if for just a day.
Even though this holiday will be a bit sad for us, I still have much to be thankful for. If I made a list of these blessings, it would never end.
My wish is for you and your family to have a Blessed Thanksgiving

from pinterest
Alice, That is a wonderful way to honor a loved one that has past on, and it is true you never know how a kind gesture, word, or even a smile can have an impact on someone.
Happy Thanksgiving
Alice, this is such a beautiful post. I hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Alice, I was thinking of you earlier in the week and about this Thanksgiving. I can't imagine how tough it really must have been today with the loss of two special family members. I know they must be with you in spirit and in memory - thank you so much for sharing a bit about each of them in your post. The picture of your nephew in his blue jean overalls sure brought a smile to my face - just adorable. Even amidst your heart aches this holiday, you have posted words of inspiration and hope. Thank you for reminding us about the little things, and how they can mean something big to someone in need. We can all benefit from that reminder.
Beautiful post sorry for the loss of your loved ones.
So sorry for your losses - you did make my day for sure! XOXO
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