Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Failure - Almost

You might remember me sharing my excitement about my accidental pumpkin plants earlier this year. I call them accidental because I was too lazy to carry our Halloween pumpkins to the trash, and they sprouted  early this summer. This is what they looked like early spring.  But soon they took over the entire west side of the front garden.

And even though my husband didn't like them and found it difficult to mow as they had crept out into the lawn, I wast still hopeful there would be pumpkins galore.

Fast forward to August when we arrived home from vacation to see a gray film on some of the the large leaves.  I could tell something was wrong though I still had hope that the healthier plants would produce.
But today I realized they were not going to survive, and I began the task of getting rid of them.

The pile in the photo looks much smaller than it really is. And there was even more to get rid of.

But it wasn't a total failure
I saw these little guys hidden among the vines.
So for now I plan to brush up on how to grow pumpkins (sorry Todd) and hope  next year is the year for pumpkins.


  1. The dreaded mildew! Darn stuff. :-p The bigger of the two little ones looks like it will color up nicely, tho! It is fun to grow your own. Next year!

  2. 2 years ago I gave up on gardening! For 3 years in a row, my zucchini plants had the most beautiful leaves and flowers...but no zucchini. My tomatoe plants started out beautifully, and always ended with blossom rot. I won't even get into all the methods I tried to keep the deer and critters away! Now I go to a farmers market! :). Your pumpkins are sweet! Best of luck to you next year...hoping you get a bumper crop!
